v1.7.0 06-Nov-2018 ------------------ - refactored SCL parser to return List instead of List so that parser can be used more flexible by applications the do not want to start a server but just parse an SCL file. - SCL parser can now handle multiple IEDs defined in a single SCL file - changed jasn1 dependency to to jasn1-iec61850mod because at least one known IEC 61850 device expects boolean true values to be coded as 0x01 instead of the default BER, CER and DER code of 0xFF. - fixed shutting down server's thread pool correctly - fixed a concurrency bug v1.6.0 26-Jun-2018 ------------------ - added support for file services for the client side (thanks to Michael Zillgith) - added connect timeout (thanks to Michael Zillgith) - fixed bug in BdaEntryTime.getTimestampValue() function (thanks to Michael Zillgith) - fixed bug that would cause casting error if a ctlVal in the server implmentation is of type AnalogueValue v1.5.0 13-Dec-2017 ------------------ - big refactoring of reporting API on client side to make it more convenient to use, including several bug fixes - extended console client: * can now read model from file instead reading it from the server device * can configure RCBs and receive reports - removed check if received bit strings are smaller than max num bits because some devices send empty bit strings - added support for legacy INT128 type from Ed1, thanks to Michael Zillgith v1.4.1 27-Aug-2017 ------------------ - fixed bug encoding and decoding presentation layer introduced in v1.4.0 v1.4.0 30-May-2017 ------------------ - extended toString() method of all model node classes to print its complete submodel tree. - merged all projects openiec61850, jositransport, josistack, openiec61850-clientgui, and openiec61850-sample into a single project "openiec61850". - removed all slf4j logging for client part. Thus if library is only used on client side slf4j is no longer needed. - replaced sample client and server by console applications - fixed setting functional constraint correctly for all BRCB elements. Thanks to Stefan Goldmann. - fixed client side processing of reports when inclusion bit string is not padded with zeros, thanks to Thomas Schönle from Bachmann - fixed ServerSAP.stop() to close timer threads correctly - made several imports in OSGi MANIFEST file optional because they are not necessarily required - library now depends on jASN1 1.8.0 v1.3.3 09-Mar-2017 ------------------ - fixes bug introduced in 1.3.2: report control block instance names should start at 01 instead of 00 - library now depends on jASN1 1.7.1 v1.3.2 01-Mar-2017 ------------------ - fixes object reference of child attributes of array elements: old: LD/LN.DO.Array(1)child, new LD/LN.DO.Array(1).child - fixes setting of RptEna DA in server to true when reports are enabled. - fixes reading report control blocks with "max" attribute greater 1 from SCL file - added check whether received BitString has correct size before setting it in model v1.3.1 24-Feb-2017 ------------------ - fixed TapCommand data attribute default value - types based on BdaBitString now check in setValue(byte[] value) whether passed byte array has correct length v1.3.0 17-Jan-2017 ------------------ - fixed bug that urcb reservation was not canceled after connection was closed - fixed support for reserving buffered report control blocks on the client side thanks to Bo Orsted Andresen - fixed support for receiving buffered and unbuffered reports when the data set reference is not part of the report thanks to Bo Orsted Andresen - fixed bug in parsing scl file, in some cases predefined values were not set, thanks to Wu Yongming - added support for parsing ObjRef in SCL file - added support for multiple report control block instances by specifying RptEnabled max attribute in SCL file v1.2.0 20-Mar-2016 ------------------ - changed license from LGPL to Apache 2.0 - added methods to ServerModel class to retrieve BRCBs on the client side, thanks to Thomas Saabye from EURISCO - added support for parsing "Val" elements inside "DA" elements of SCL file - several minor bug fixes v1.1.1 11-Dec-2014 ------------------ - set default max TPDU size to 1024 - fix: server stops sending reports when client closed association - fix in sample model to enable general interrogation v1.1.0 17-Oct-2014 ------------------ - fixed ServerSap.stop() - added possibility change more settings in ClientSap - setDataSetValues will now only call a single call back function of a server application. The syntax of the call back function had to be changed for that. - fixed doclint errors and warnings. doclint is used by Java8 v1.0 31-Jul-2014 ---------------- - added support for reporting on server side. - minor bug fixes - improvements to logging messages - added maxtpdu size to all Transport Layer Connection Requests (thanks to Michael Volz) - client can now receive reports via callback method - improved documentation - fixed build file for newest gradle - improved documentation v0.17.1 27-Jan-2014 ------------------- - extracted jOSIStack lib from openiec61850 lib so it can be used separately (e.g. for the TASE.2 protocol) - fixed bugs in client Report functionality - readded ClientReportingSample application - fixed copying of arrays - support for decoding authentication value, though the authentication value is NOT being checked at the moment - added full server side support for nonpersistent DataSets - fixed bug in runSampleServer.bat script - jars are now uploaded to the central maven repository v0.16.0 03-Sep-2013 ------------------- - renamed many functions and classes - added Client GUI project to easily browse the device model of an IEC 61850 IED. - openiec61850-client, -server, -common and jmms where combined into a single openiec61850 library. The split was of no real use and caused split package problems in OSGi environments. - client ACSI functions now throw two types of exceptions: IOException (fatal exception, client needs to reconnect to server) and ServiceError for Errors that did not affect the active assocition/connection. - The way the server library works was completely changed: DataSources no longer exist and there is no need for property files anymore. The readValue() callback method in the DataSource is no longer needed because GetDataValues requests are handled by the server library without consulting the server application. Instead the server application now has to fill the internal model of the server library with up to date values. This change was necessary in order to be able to efficiently implement reporting and controling services in the future. - Basic control services are now part of the library and no longer have to be handled by the server application. - Several bug fixes in the SCL-parser - fix so that FunctionalConstraints such as GS that are not supported by openIEC61850 yet do not cause a null pointer exception when they are part of a DataSet v0.14.4 30-Oct-2012 ------------------- - fixed another bug when decoding Float64 - getDataDefinition of all kinds of DataObjects and DataAttributes now possible - modified toString() function of most DataAttributes to print more valuable information v0.14.3 18-Sep-2012 ------------------- - fixed decoding of Float32 and Float64 - fixed getChildren(fc) Function in LogicalNode v0.14.2 23-Aug-2012 ------------------- - major refactoring to make code more efficient and easier to maintain. Many classes have been renamed and/or relocated. - the ability to use different SCSM was completely removed because only one mapping existed so far: the MMS mapping. No other Mapping seems to have a chance against MMS simply because MMS is already in use and works. - note that the syntax of the properties file for the StandaloneServer changed a little, see the sampeServer for details v0.12.0 31-Jul-2012 ------------------- - changed from LGPLv3 to LGPLv2.1 - replaced OCTET_STRING64, OCTET_STRING8 and so on with a general OCTET_STRING class - the same was done for UNICODE_STRING and VISIBLE_STRING - client no longer hangs when receiving ApplError Reports v0.11.0 02-Jul-2012 ------------------- - new jASN1 version that can decode empty Object Identifiers - added mms authentication capability - fixed multi thread issues in TSAPConnection of MMS mapping - added FLOAT64 from IEC61400-2 - added SampleReportClient to demonstrate how to use reporting with the client - some improvements to client receiver thread - some other small bug fixes v0.10.0 14-Mai-2012 ------------------- - restructuring: code moved to src folder - new jASN1 version which fixes bug in decoding empty bitstrings - receving "Check" data does not cause errors anymore - ASN.1 buffers are automatically resized in the client v0.9.9 29-Mar-2012 ------------------ - added DataSet Services for client and server - added getReport methods and processReport for the client -> they will get a report from the queue and return a report object with the updated data - fixed getDataValues for array structures - disabled sending SpecificationWithResult in read request because some clients cannot cope with it - fixed bug in RFC 1006 part - added receiver thread in client so that reports can be received at any time - added VisibleString65 to be compatible with some version1.0 servers - avoid srcRef == 0 because some servers cannot cope with it v0.9.8 22-Feb-2012 ------------------ - fixed path in runSampleServer.sh and runSampleClient.sh 0.9.7 21-Feb-2012 ----------------- - small bug fix in T-Sel encoding/decoding in TConnection.java - thanks to Johannes Schmidt from University of Leipzig v0.9.6 20-Feb-2012 ------------------ - when importing Eclipse projects: GRADLE_HOME was replaced by GRADLE_USER_HOME - removed duplicate entries from tar distribution file - Remote TSAPs can now be addressed using a T-Selector. The client can set the T-Selector like this: MmsScsmClientSAP clientSAP = new MmsScsmClientSAP(); clientSAP.acseSAP.tSAP.tSelRemote = new byte[] { 0, 1 }; v0.9.5 06-Feb-2012 ------------------ - first version