Class AttributeAddress

    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(int classId,
                                ObisCode instanceId,
                                int attributeId,
                                SelectiveAccessDescription access)
        Creates a new attribute address.
        classId - Class of the object to read
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        attributeId - Attribute of the object that is to read
        access - The filter to apply
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(int classId,
                                java.lang.String instanceId,
                                int attributeId)
        Creates a new attribute address.
        classId - Class of the object to read
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        attributeId - Attribute of the object that is to read
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(int classId,
                                ObisCode instanceId,
                                int attributeId)
        Creates a new attribute address.
        classId - Class of the object to read
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        attributeId - Attribute of the object that is to read
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(int classId,
                                java.lang.String instanceId,
                                int attributeId,
                                SelectiveAccessDescription access)
        Creates a new attribute address.
        classId - Class of the object to read
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        attributeId - Attribute of the object that is to read
        access - The filter to apply.
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(AttributeClass attributeClass,
                                ObisCode instanceId,
                                SelectiveAccessDescription access)
        since 1.5.1. Use the none enum initializer of AttributeAddress.
        Creates a new attribute address.
        attributeClass - the AttributeClass constant.
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        access - The filter to apply.
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(AttributeClass attributeClass,
                                ObisCode instanceId)
        since 1.5.1. Use the none enum initializer of AttributeAddress.
        Creates a new attribute address.
        attributeClass - the AttributeClass constant.
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(AttributeClass attributeClass,
                                java.lang.String instanceId)
        since 1.5.1. Use the none enum initializer of AttributeAddress.
        Creates a new attribute address.
        attributeClass - the AttributeClass constant.
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
      • AttributeAddress

        public AttributeAddress​(AttributeClass attributeClass,
                                java.lang.String instanceId,
                                SelectiveAccessDescription access)
        since 1.5.1. Use the none enum initializer of AttributeAddress.
        Creates a new attribute address.
        attributeClass - the AttributeClass constant.
        instanceId - Identifier of the remote object to read
        access - The filter to apply.