Class CosemInterfaceObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • CosemInterfaceObject

        public CosemInterfaceObject​(java.lang.String instanceId,
                                    DlmsInterceptor interceptor)
        Creates a COSEM object with the corresponding instance ID.
        instanceId - the string instance ID.
        interceptor - the interceptor intercepting xDLMS GET/SET/ACTION services.
      • CosemInterfaceObject

        public CosemInterfaceObject​(java.lang.String instanceId)
        Creates a COSEM object with the corresponding instance ID.
        instanceId - the string instance ID.
      • CosemInterfaceObject

        public CosemInterfaceObject​(ObisCode instanceId,
                                    DlmsInterceptor interceptor)
        Creates a COSEM object with the corresponding instance ID.
        instanceId - the OBIS code instance ID.
        interceptor - the interceptor intercepting xDLMS GET/SET/ACTION services.
      • CosemInterfaceObject

        public CosemInterfaceObject​(ObisCode instanceId)
        Creates a COSEM object with the corresponding instance ID.
        instanceId - the OBIS code instance ID.
    • Method Detail

      • getInterceptor

        public final DlmsInterceptor getInterceptor()
        Get the list of DLMS interceptor of the current CosemInterfaceObject
        the interceptor intercepting xDLMS GET/SET/ACTION services.
      • getInstanceId

        public final ObisCode getInstanceId()
        Get the instance ID of the COSEM class.
        the instance ID as OBIS code.