Class Server.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Server.Builder
    extends java.lang.Object
    The server builder which builds a 60870 server instance.
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Server build()
      To start/activate the server call Server.start(ServerEventListener) on the returned server.
      T setAllowedASduTypes​(java.util.List<ASduType> allowedTypes)  
      Server.Builder setAllowedClients​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> allowedClientIps)
      Set the IPs from which clients may connect.
      Server.Builder setBacklog​(int backlog)
      Sets the backlog that is passed to the
      Server.Builder setBindAddr​( bindAddr)
      Sets the IP address to bind to.
      T setCommonAddressFieldLength​(int length)
      Sets the length of the Common Address (CA) field of the ASDU.
      Allowed values are 1 or 2.
      Default is 2.
      T setCotFieldLength​(int length)
      Sets the length of the Cause Of Transmission (COT) field of the ASDU.
      Allowed values are 1 or 2.
      Default is 2.
      T setIoaFieldLength​(int length)
      Sets the length of the Information Object Address (IOA) field of the ASDU.
      Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
      Default is 3.
      Server.Builder setMaxConnections​(int maxConnections)
      Set the maximum number of client connections that are allowed in parallel.
      T setMaxIdleTime​(int time_t3)
      Sets the maximum time in ms that the connection may be idle before sending a test frame.
      T setMaxNumOfOutstandingIPdus​(int maxNum)
      Sets the number of maximum difference send sequence number to send acknowledge variable before Connection.send will block.
      T setMaxTimeNoAckReceived​(int time_t1)
      Sets the maximum time in ms that no acknowledgement has been received (for I-Frames or Test-Frames) before actively closing the connection.
      T setMaxTimeNoAckSent​(int time_t2)
      Sets the maximum time in ms before confirming received messages that have not yet been acknowledged using an S format APDU.
      T setMaxUnconfirmedIPdusReceived​(int maxNum)
      Sets the number of unacknowledged I format APDUs received before the connection will automatically send an S format APDU to confirm them.
      T setMessageFragmentTimeout​(int time)
      Sets SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
      Server.Builder setPort​(int port)
      Sets the TCP port that the server will listen on.
      void setReservedASduTypeDecoder​(ReservedASduTypeDecoder reservedASduTypeDecoder)
      Sets an implementation of the ReservedASduTypeDecoder to define supported reserved ASdus
      Server.Builder setSocketFactory​( socketFactory)
      Sets the ServerSocketFactory to be used to create the ServerSocket.
      T useSharedThreadPool()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • setPort

        public Server.Builder setPort​(int port)
        Sets the TCP port that the server will listen on. IEC 60870-5-104 usually uses port 2404.
        port - the port
        this builder
      • setBacklog

        public Server.Builder setBacklog​(int backlog)
        Sets the backlog that is passed to the
        backlog - the backlog
        this builder
      • setReservedASduTypeDecoder

        public void setReservedASduTypeDecoder​(ReservedASduTypeDecoder reservedASduTypeDecoder)
        Sets an implementation of the ReservedASduTypeDecoder to define supported reserved ASdus
        reservedASduTypeDecoder - implementation of the ReservedASduTypeDecoder
      • setBindAddr

        public Server.Builder setBindAddr​( bindAddr)
        Sets the IP address to bind to. It is passed to
        bindAddr - the IP address to bind to
        this builder
      • setSocketFactory

        public Server.Builder setSocketFactory​( socketFactory)
        Sets the ServerSocketFactory to be used to create the ServerSocket. Default is ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().
        socketFactory - the ServerSocketFactory to be used to create the ServerSocket
        this builder
      • setMaxConnections

        public Server.Builder setMaxConnections​(int maxConnections)
        Set the maximum number of client connections that are allowed in parallel.
        maxConnections - the number of connections allowed (default is 100) @ return this builder
        this builder
      • setAllowedClients

        public Server.Builder setAllowedClients​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> allowedClientIps)
        Set the IPs from which clients may connect. Pass null to allow all clients. By default all clients are allowed to connect.
        allowedClientIps - the allowed client IPs
        this builder
      • setCotFieldLength

        public T setCotFieldLength​(int length)
        Sets the length of the Cause Of Transmission (COT) field of the ASDU.
        Allowed values are 1 or 2.
        Default is 2.
        length - the length of the Cause Of Transmission field
        this builder
      • setCommonAddressFieldLength

        public T setCommonAddressFieldLength​(int length)
        Sets the length of the Common Address (CA) field of the ASDU.
        Allowed values are 1 or 2.
        Default is 2.
        length - the length of the Common Address (CA) field
        this builder
      • setIoaFieldLength

        public T setIoaFieldLength​(int length)
        Sets the length of the Information Object Address (IOA) field of the ASDU.
        Allowed values are 1, 2 or 3.
        Default is 3.
        length - the length of the Information Object Address field
        this builder
      • setMaxTimeNoAckReceived

        public T setMaxTimeNoAckReceived​(int time_t1)
        Sets the maximum time in ms that no acknowledgement has been received (for I-Frames or Test-Frames) before actively closing the connection. This timeout is called t1 by the standard.
        Default is 15s, minimum is 1s, maximum is 255s.
        t1 (maxTimeNoAckReceived) has to be greater then t2 (maxTimeNoAckSent) and t1 has to be smaller then t3 (maxIdleTime) (t1 > t2 and t1 < t3)
        time_t1 - the maximum time in ms that no acknowledgement has been received before actively closing the connection.
        this builder
      • setMaxTimeNoAckSent

        public T setMaxTimeNoAckSent​(int time_t2)
        Sets the maximum time in ms before confirming received messages that have not yet been acknowledged using an S format APDU. This timeout is called t2 by the standard.
        Default is 10s, minimum is 1s, maximum is 255s.
        t2 (maxTimeNoAckSent) has to be smaller then t1 (maxTimeNoAckReceived), t3 > t1.
        time_t2 - the maximum time in ms before confirming received messages that have not yet been acknowledged using an S format APDU.
        this builder
      • setMaxIdleTime

        public T setMaxIdleTime​(int time_t3)
        Sets the maximum time in ms that the connection may be idle before sending a test frame. This timeout is called t3 by the standard.
        Default is 20s, minimum is 1s, maximum is 172800s (48h).
        t3 (maxIdleTime) has to be bigger then t1 (maxTimeNoAckReceived), t3 > t1.
        time_t3 - the maximum time in ms that the connection may be idle before sending a test frame.
        this builder
      • setMaxNumOfOutstandingIPdus

        public T setMaxNumOfOutstandingIPdus​(int maxNum)
        Sets the number of maximum difference send sequence number to send acknowledge variable before Connection.send will block. This parameter is called k by the standard.
        Default is 12, minimum is 1, maximum is 32767.
        maxNum - the maximum number of sequentially numbered I format APDUs that the DTE may have outstanding
        this builder
      • setMaxUnconfirmedIPdusReceived

        public T setMaxUnconfirmedIPdusReceived​(int maxNum)
        Sets the number of unacknowledged I format APDUs received before the connection will automatically send an S format APDU to confirm them. This parameter is called w by the standard. Default is 8, minimum is 1, maximum is 32767.
        maxNum - the number of unacknowledged I format APDUs received before the connection will automatically send an S format APDU to confirm them.
        this builder
      • setMessageFragmentTimeout

        public T setMessageFragmentTimeout​(int time)
        Sets SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
        time - the timeout in milliseconds. Default is 5 s, minimum 100 ms.
        this builder
      • useSharedThreadPool

        public T useSharedThreadPool()
      • setAllowedASduTypes

        public T setAllowedASduTypes​(java.util.List<ASduType> allowedTypes)