The EEBus protocol provides interesting features for local energy management and grid integration including electric vehicles. Thus, it fits very well in our current research activities as we are setting up a Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW) test stand in our new Digital Grid Lab to test control boxes (FFN Steuerbox) and SMGW use cases. New generations of control boxes will support the EEBus protocol and can be seamlessly integrated into our laboratory infrastructure to communicate with our power-hardware-in-the-loop system. Moreover, in the research project LamA we develop charging algorithms for bidirectional charging of electric vehicles (V2G) which will utilize the EEBus protocol.

Typical domains for EEBus include:
  • E-Mobility
  • Power Grids
  • Inverters
  • HVAC
  • White Goods

With jEEBus.SHIP and jEEBus.SPINE we provide custom Java implementations for the communication and data layer of EEBus.


Offered Services

As EEBus use cases are highly dependent on the local system, we offer implementation and system integration support for the EEBus application layer. This includes extending your systems and devices with EEBus. With our experience from various research projects, we can identify and integrate the necessary EEBus Use Cases for your project.

Additionally, we provide services to help you test whether your products conform to the EEBus standards. While our Java implementations allow us to create custom software test suites, the infrastructure of our Digital Grid Lab allows us to also test hardware.

Finally, we offer our Java implementations jEEBus.SHIP and jEEBus.SPINE if you want to use them to develop EEBus applications on your own.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the implementation or the services we offer.